In fact the game doesn’t even leave empty slots for them in the Pause Menu if you don’t have them.
The five armors exclusive to the Deluxe Edition are purely cosmetics and offer no buffs for having them. This gives you complete freedom to dress Ratchet and Rivet however you want.
Notably, all buffs are permanently applied whether you’re actually wearing the armor or not. The amounts increase from 5%, 10% and 20% as you complete the set. Each armor set offers a unique armor bonus/buff, such as increased Raritanium, less damage from enemy factions, and so-on. The armor is modular: you collect Helmet, Chest and Leg pieces that together form the complete armor. Four armor pieces are also event rewards at Zurkie’s Battleplex. While Armor Pods aren’t always found in Pocket Dimensions, a Pocket Dimension will always reward you with an Armor Pod. Armor is typically found somewhere in the game world in Armor Pod collectibles, similar to Size Matters. This section details everything you need to know about them. Collecting Armor in Rift Apart works differently than your typical Ratchet game.